- An individual with diffuse gastric cancer (DGC) before age 50 years
- An individual with DGC at any age and one or more of:
- Maori ethnicity
- personal or family history of cleft lip or cleft palate
- one or more first/second degree relative/s with gastric cancer at any age, where there is at least one confirmed DGC
- one or more first/second degree relative/s with lobular breast cancer, with one case diagnosed before age 70 years
- An individual with DGC and lobular breast cancer, both diagnosed before age 70 years
- An individual with bilateral lobular breast cancer before age 50 years
- An individual with gastric in situ signet ring cells or pagetoid spread of signet ring cells before age 50 years
- An individual with lobular breast cancer who has one or more first/second degree relative/s with DGC, with one case diagnosed before age 70 years
- An individual with lobular breast cancer before age 50 years who has one or more first/second degree relative/s with lobular breast cancer, diagnosed before age 50 years.
Note: When a criterion involves two or more cancers, at least one cancer should have confirmed histology.
These genetic testing criteria are based on the 2020 International Gastric Cancer Linkage Consortium Criteria for testingr with the exception of bilateral lobular breast cancer which remains based on the 2015 criteria.r
Where possible, test an affected person. If there are no living affected relatives, consider tissue testing (tumour tissue and/or healthy tissue) from an affected deceased relative. If these options are not available, consider testing unaffected first degree relatives.
- where a known germline pathogenic variant has been identified in a relative*
- where a specific pathogenic variant has been identified on somatic tumour testing *
*In these settings a variant-specific test (rather than sequencing a single gene or gene panel) may be more appropriate and cost effective.
The decision to offer a genetic test should be based on the pre-test probability of identifying a heritable pathogenic variant, the performance of the test (e.g. false negative rate).