Information for patients and carers

You can find information on your treatment or possible side effects on the Patients and carers page. There are links to both chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, along with patient information fact sheets and videos about the common side effects of treatment.

If English is not your first language, some translated patient information sheets are also available in eight other languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Greek, Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese). Link to translated patient information.

Patient information sheets are designed to give general information about cancer treatments and side effects. The information is not specific to your individual situation and should only be used as a guide. Please speak with you health practitioner about the information within the sheets to discuss how they apply to you and your treatment.

Unfortunately eviQ is unable to provide specific medical advice for individuals. There are many patient specific variables that affect prognosis and response to treatment. Please speak to your doctor and treating team for information specific to your situation.

Additionally you can contact the Cancer Council in your state or territory via their helpline on 131120 or via email form their website .  The Patient Information website at the Cancer Institute NSW also provides more specific patient information that may be helpful.