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This website contains information, data, documents, protocols, clinical tools, procedures, guidelines, and images prepared by Cancer Institute NSW ("the Information").
The Information is provided to assist health professionals, patients, families, and carers in obtaining background information about cancer treatments and their general side effects. Responsibility for all content development and/or changes to this website vest in the Cancer Institute NSW. No unauthorised access to content development and/or changes is permitted.
The Cancer Institute NSW is a corporation formed by New South Wales legislation. This website (excluding any linked external sites) is controlled by Cancer Institute NSW operating from its offices at the Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh, New South Wales. Therefore, by accessing this site, you accept that any disputes about or in connection with this website or its contents are to be determined by courts having jurisdiction in New South Wales in accordance with the laws that apply in New South Wales.
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The Information contained in this site is intended to provide guidance only.
While care has been undertaken to describe and include the most appropriate cancer treatment protocols in the Information, the Cancer Institute NSW (including its officers, employees and agents) accepts no liability for any errors of administration, drug dose calculation and any consequences of applying the cancer therapy guidelines set out in the Information.
The Information is not intended to replicate or replace the knowledge, skills and experience of trained oncology health professionals, nor is it a substitute for clinical judgement and advice. This site is not designed to replace the relationship that exists between a patient and their health professional. Patients should evaluate the Information together with their health professional.
Cancer clinicians are advised that this application describes cancer treatment information only, and is not a clinical oncology management information system, a drug prescribing system, or a clinical decision support system. The treatments described in this application are based on reviews of the best available evidence and clinical judgement, prepared by the Cancer Institute NSW staff and endorsed by the relevant eviQ Reference Committee members. Clinicians should exercise professional judgement in evaluating the Information, and are encouraged to confirm the Information with other sources before undertaking any treatment based on it.
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