Ranitidine recall:

The TGA has suspended the registration of all ranitidine medicines. Further information is available from the TGA safety alert. Ranitidine is included as a default premedication in eviQ protocols and alternative approaches should be considered based on assessment of individual patients, institutional policy and availability of alternative drugs [e.g. famotidine - see ID 3264 Premedication for prophylaxis of taxane hypersensitivity reactions (infusion related reactions and anaphylaxis)]. Refer to BOPA Position Statement - H2 antagonists in paclitaxel pre-medication regimens for more information.

Check for clinical trials in this patient group. Link to Australian Clinical Trials website

The anticancer drug(s) in this protocol have been updated with the ADDIKD guideline recommendations (if applicable). Recommendations may differ from other protocols which have not been updated. For further information refer to the dedicated eviQ ADDIKD guideline webpage.

The information contained in this protocol is based on the highest level of available evidence and consensus of the eviQ reference committee regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any clinician (medical oncologist, haematologist, radiation oncologist, medical physicist, radiation therapist, pharmacist or nurse) seeking to apply or consult this protocol is expected to use independent clinical judgement in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any patient's care or treatment. While eviQ endeavours to link to reliable sources that provide accurate information, eviQ and the Cancer Institute NSW do not endorse or accept responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability or correctness of the content of linked external information sources. Use is subject to eviQ’s disclaimer available at www.eviQ.org.au

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20 Apr 2024